Thank you!

Website Access:

Please use these credentials to create separate website access using our email.

Email :

Name : ESinfotech Solutions

Website Access is used for On Page Optimization & Limited Permissions needed as Editor/Website manager/Staff Access.

Google Analytic

For Google Analytic use Add user email : , Viewer/read Only Permissions.

Google Analytic is Optional If anyone haven’t Google Analytic then don’t get Worried.

Only Website URL & Website access can share So We can Start work on Project.

Our Working Hours:

Subscribed Package , getting Worried ? What Next ? If Late response from Us, Don’t Get Worried , Our Working hours 8 AM to 11 PM IST. If Subscription Beyond our Working Hours We reply and Connect with them in Working Hours.

Once you Subscribed Package then Please provide required project Details as mentioned at this Page. You can text me at Skype/Email/Messenger. We will connect you soon in working Hours.

Shopify Stores :

Shopify Store Owners create Staff access using email and name : & Name – ESInfotech Solutions and Limited Permissions needed for These Sections :  Home , Products , Content ,Analytics, marketing, Online store, Store Settings-Manage Settings . Please allow those permissions for On Page SEO Optimization.

WordPress & WooCommerce Websites & Stores:

Please use email and Name as mentioned above and provide WordPress site access as Editor.

Wix Websites & Stores ;

Please use email and Name as mentioned above and provide WordPress site access as Website Manager.

BigCommerce, Squarespace, Joomla, Magento, PrestaShop, Drupal Stores also use above email and name to create Separate access as Editor/Website Manager.